04 June 2008


People needs an attitude adjustment, she really does! How long has it been since our last post, I ask you, how long??

Very Nearly Two Months!

Really People, you could have snuck us into the library!

Well, maybe not Gonzo, who is living up to his name in myriad ways, but I, Mozart, am fully a gentleman, really I am! I certainly know how to behave in a library!

(Wot's a library? Unca Molzart is in the litter box, so Me, Gonzo, haza chance 2 blog. NUTS, HERE HE COMES!!)

Hmph! Gonzo should know better...where was I?

Ah yes, a diatribe against People, who has been a great trial to two young cats these past few months!

Well, let me tell you that she has her good days (during which she understands and accepts her 24/7 duty to shower me especially with lavish displays of her devotion to me, er, us) and her bad days (during which for a telling example, she refuses to top off our food bowls, telling us to finish the food already there-two hours old, eeew!)

She is patiently hunting a new hunting place, but I think she really hopes her current hunting place will turn around.

(I don't know, maybe a fresh stock of mice and birdies...ooooo, fluttery things! Yes, fluttery things that magically become green papers she uses to trade for our kibble and toys, yes, that would be my thoughts on turning her hunting place happy again!)

OH ALRIGHT GONZO! Hmph! I reluctantly turn the keyboard over to The Brat-

FINALLY! I thought ol' Unca Molzart would never shut-up, lol!

Me, Gonzo is 7 munths old now, so I am learning to txt-tlk, hehe*G*! Peepole downloaded a hol artacul on txting 4 me so I culd practice. Me Gonzo haznt got enuff practice, but I am trying!

Unca Molzart 'n Peepole 'n me r having "Advenchures in Remodeling", I got 2 paint with a pretty green paint but then Peepole covered up my work, which I got insulted by-HEY Peepole, it wuzn't poop, ya no!

This wknd Peepole is gonna let me paint wif something called lowvoc hi glos white in all the kitchen cabinets! Well, she dozent no yet that she is gonna let me, but I'm gonna.

& the men peepoles r coming over to levul the house, 2, so we r gonna learn lotsa new words-Unca Molzart sez the last time the men peepoles were here he learned lotsa new words...

Well, we're gonna go vizit some other cat blogs, and say "Hullo!" to some of the cats we've been missing!

Os & Xs from Me, Gonzo!

Oh, what a happy half grown kitten he is! People will have to be more strict with him. Sigh.

We are very happy to be back in the 'sphere! Don't forget to play the fish game before you go:)


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mozart, Gonzo ((((hugs))) welcome back! Da last time our mom painted she shut da door on us...we mist out on all da fun. We sure hope yoor mom haf some luck wif da day hunting hunting...uh, yoo know what we mean.

Just Ducky said...

Yay you are back!

Quasi said...

Glad you're back in the blogosphere. Don't let your humans slack off!