I am having a fair good time here in Scotland-They feed me OK (just the same things you fed me, Mum, but it doesn't taste as good as when you give it to me so I am only eating what I have to), and They keep my convenience tidy.
I don't want to complain, but I have to tell you that She has a strange notion of what the word "pressies' means. She went down to the shops this morning. She came back past my window:
She came inside and unpacked her grocery shop. I did not get any food.
I got:
A ball to chase.
A mousie to chew.
Don't worry Mum, it's a faboolus fake. The fur kinda tastes like mousie though, but the insides are hard and I like to chew on it even better than the cord to the heater. Uhm, that might be why She brought it home from the shops.
BUT THEN SHE PUT A HORRIBLE ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I did not like it:
I tried to rub it off but it will not rub off. They have to take it off for me. I did not like it, Mum and Dad, even though I did get to go outside whilst it was on me:
They have a lawn here and I looked at it through the fence:
But I hated having the Horrible on so much that I told Them to take me inside. When They did, and when They took off the Horrible, I went under the bed and did not play with my other pressies for a while because I was not happy at Her for bringing home the Horrible.
Mum, I think She is going to put the Horrible on me again. I think She will only let me go outside with the Horrible on. The neighbour came out with her little kittens, I mean little girls, and I heard her say that it's a very good idea to keep me safe until I go home with me Mum and Dad. So I will try to get used to the Horrible. But I don't like it.
Besides the Horrible, Scotland is actually rather nice, though I do miss my rabbit hunting (thanks, Dad, for sending Her the snaps):
But I don't think Him or Her is ever going to give me a chance to go rabbit hunting whilst I am on my Scottish Holiday. To quote Mozart, HMPH!
I am being a good boy just like you told me to, and am looking forward to being free, I mean going home to be with you. They are very nice (except They put Horribles on cats, that's not very nice), but I miss you very much.
Well, I will close this now and get on my bed by the wood stove in the bedroom. Him has lit a fire and it is very cosy in there.
Love Always,
Your lad Roo
PS-OH! @Camie's Kitties-thank you for the warm welcome! I think a Scottish Holiday (except for The Horrible) is a rather pleasant way to spend Winter, and I am glad to feel Mozart and Gonzo won't mind me borrowing their blogDOTspot to keep me Mum and Dad updated.
Mozart's People asked me to pass on the sad news that she likely will never know anything more about them after their new persons asked her to "let it go". It's very sad, that, and I hope They find the right cat to fill their home after I go back to me Mum and Dad's when The Warm comes back. Except for The Horrible, They are good cat persons, I can tell from the way They know how to Fuss me right and proper.